Online Poker Getting Harder

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Starting a Game of Strip Poker

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Whether you’re with a group of people or one lucky lady, what better way to pass the time than with a few rounds of strip poker? If you’re in a group, make sure that you have an even mix of guys and girls –- remember, you’re sitting around a table full of people willing to take their clothes off… you never know what you may catch a glimpse of! Make sure someone knows how to play poker… you may have to do a quick tutorial round so everyone is on the same page.

Now for the important part – making sure the ladies are ready and willing.

Obviously, if we agreed to play, we’re ok with showing our stuff to you. However, we DON’T want to show the whole world! Ideal locations include your apartment, your basement, a hotel room… someplace with enough room for parties involved, but away from everyone else.

Before you begin, define the photo rules – if anyone is uncomfortable with cameras and cell phone snapshots, its best to avoid them. Don’t be a creep! If you insist, don’t expect to see us again.

Everyone should be wearing approximately the same number of pieces of clothing. We won’t play along if you guys have an unfair advantage.

Don’t get too cocky (no pun intended) if you start to win – making a girl feel bad will NEVER help your odds of scoring later on. Keep the mood light and fun. Don’t get too caught up in everything … remember, it’s just a game!

Bottom line: Make us feel comfortable! It wouldn’t hurt to provide some snacks, and maybe an adult beverage or two. Hook-ups are almost guaranteed… especially if it’s just you and one particular lady. Odds are you’ll have an excellent chance of getting lucky when you’re practically naked and the competition gets intense.

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Online Poker Getting Harder

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About Cliff Englewood Cliff goes to MSU and is TSB Magazine resident 'College Life' contributor with tips and advice to get the most out of your time in college.

Gone are the times of long days of courting and weeks between face to face dates when you are getting to know someone. I can’t even imagine! Today it’s all about texting, emailing and maybe talking to each other on the phone when you are looking to capture some attention.

And it’s safe to say pretty much everyone has a cell phone and texting is the norm for communication. Even people sitting beside one another will resort to texting instead of talking! Eek!

Texting as you know is the number one communication mode in our world today. They can be sent quickly and effectively. But the issue with texting is there is so much miscommunication that it often causes more harm than good in a relationship.

That said, it makes sense to learn as much as you can on how to play hard to get over text. This is the way you’re going to reach out and touch the most people quickly and effectively.

Here today, gone tomorrow sometimes, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

Here will get you started off on the right foot when it comes to using the savvy language of texting so you can use it to flirt. That is what playing hard to get is, right?

We’ve all done it. Sitting around waiting with our phone in our hand for that, “bing” to let us know a new text message has arrived. Pretty lame, I know.

Never fear! Read on for practical clever tips to help you show this man you are worth his time while playing hard to get.

How To Play Hard To Get Over Text

Pointer One – Play The Game Too

The time has come for you to stop playing defence and go on the offensive side. Play hard to get and make sure you don’t reply to him fast.

This is a tough one right out of the starting gates but it really does work. Wait an hour or two before you nonchalantly text him back. Works wonders when you are looking to grab his undivided attention.

Pointer Two – Just Don’t Overload His Phone

Be careful here because if you are looking to play hard to get via text, you can’t seem like you have too much time on your hands. Do not blow up his phone with text messages.

In other words, don’t shoot off two or three text message in a row before he’s even replied to your first one. That’s just a totally turnoff any way you look at it.

Pointer Three – Open Up The Door

If you are capturing a man’s attention it’s important that he sees you are real. To do this, you need to talk about the things that interest you. Talk about your passions and hobbies and the things you like to do with your time.

Playing hard to get involves letting him know you do have a life that doesn’t include him too.

Pointer Four – Inquire About His Interests

In order to push his buttons, you need to know about him too. This means, you’re going to have to ask the right questions to uncover the ammo you need to play hard to get.

Text conversations go much smoother when you know a little about his life.

What movies does he like? Is he a nervous or bold person? Is he the star of the party or does he shy away from the social?

The more you learn about him, the better you will do when it comes to making him want you more.

Pointer Five – Don’t Say Things You Can’t Deliver On

When you want a man to notice you, it’s important that you don’t beat it around the bush or tell him things you just aren’t going to do. You’re just delivering the wrong impression if you keep telling him things, and failing to step up to the plate.

If you tell him you are going to meet him for coffee, make sure you do.

If you tell him you’re going to text him tomorrow, you better do it.

Never forget, there are many fish in the sea.

Pointer Six – Easy On The Photos

Yes, when you are trying to get a little attention from a man, text teasing him with a few sexy text photos might not sound like a bad thing. But please think twice because this can get out of hand fast.

Be super sure you don’t send a photo you are going to regret later. Boys do buy with their eyes and visual stimulation happens before the emotional talking stuff. But you shouldn’t have to send him a sexy photo to get his attention or lure him in.

He will share and you will be sorry. I’ll leave it at that.

Pointer Seven – Ask Him For His Thoughts

Again, the more information, the better when you are looking to play hard to get over text. Guys like to feel valued and wanted or needed to a point. And when you ask him advice or what he thinks about something, he really will feel useful.

Think of “Tim The Toolman Taylor.” He’s always trying to fix things because that gives him value.


Same thing applies in the non-physical sense.

Men love solving problems and if you are struggling with something, make sure you text him about it. This will draw him in and soon he will be putty in your hands.

Pointer Eight – Turn Off Your Clingy Switch

Just because it takes a bit of time for him to reply to your text, doesn’t mean you should get all wound up about it.

Life just happens right?

And if you start questioning him all the time and asking him where he’s been and why he didn’t answer your text message faster, you’re going to kill the ‘hard to get’ card. Instead, you will flip the switch to needy and that’s going to make him run far and fast.

Bottom Line…Boys seriously hate needy girls.

Pointer Nine – No Matter What, Have a Plan B

If the guy you want to chase you isn’t chasing you, then you need to ensure you have a Plan B in place.

What does this mean?

Well, you need to understand if he isn’t biting, you can and should move on.

Good news is he will likely text you when you are out and busy and this will make him feel like a deer in the headlights. He will be forced to get aggressive and try and get your attention, because you aren’t paying any attention to him.

Playing hard to get means you at least have to appear that you’re not exclusive. That you are willing to go out with other men and that’s just tough luck for him.

Talk about kicking the game up a notch or two fast.

Pointer Ten – Ensure You Know Your Value

This is important in any sort of relationship but especially when you are playing hard to get to land a man. Do not ever sit around and wait for a guy to get back to you when he’s ready.

And whatever you do, make sure you never sit at home waiting for him to text back. That’s just so old school.

If he’s ignoring your texts or just not giving you the attention you want, kick him to the curb and move on with a confident smile. That’s an order!

Pointer Eleven – Never Let Him Know You Are Following Online

If you like a man you are going to check out and follow his social media profile, that’s a given. Just try and make sure he doesn’t know this because if he does, the hard to get card really can’t be played.


Well, he already knows you are into him.

Pop in once in a while if you like but leave it at that please.

Pointer Twelve – Texts Should Be Lightly Sexy

Playing hard to get is a calculated game. You need to understand how to keep the texts light but flirty and make sure you keep them to a minimum. Sometimes you need to delay your return text and always keep them short and sweet.

Longwinded text messages will get you nowhere fast.

Pointer Thirteen – Make Sure You Have Your Own Thing

Don’t be too quick to the keys and give him something to ponder. Make him wonder what you are up to and how come your favorite show is keeping you away from him.

Talk about a fantastic hard to get move.

Pointer Fourteen – Don’t Lose The Fun

It goes without saying that a text message shouldn’t be where you are fighting or sharing confidential information. We’ve all made that mistake!

Use your texting to send funny messages or just poke sexy fun at him and you will make it a positive fast.

Pointer Fifteen – Step It Up A Notch In The Flirty Department

If you want a man to know you like him, you’ve got to play the flirty card. Don’t go overboard and keep it subtle at first, but make him want your attention just because you are sexy flirty and you are just plain fun.

That combination is magical in the eyes of a man.

Online Poker Getting Harder To Play

Pointer Sixteen – Stop With The Creepiness

Try not to hang out and wait or creep. If this guy you like wants to contact you, he will when he’s ready. Don’t forget, guys play games too.

Just try not to take it personally and you will be perfectly fine.

Online Poker Getting Harder Game

Pointer Seventeen – Be Sure You Keep The Conversation Moving Full Speed Ahead

There are ways to stifle a conversation fast and there are routes to keep it moving along. You need to make sure you keep the text messages moving along with intriguing open ended questions that are going to persuade him to respond.

If you can make them sexy and mysterious, all the better.

Pointer Eighteen – Don’t Stop Pursuing Him

When you are interested in someone, it really is a two-way street. Everyone wants to feel wanted and needed and if you don’t give him a little when you are playing hard to get, you will lose in the end.

If you are thinking of him, don’t be afraid to send him a sexy flirty text to tell him. Get the fire heated up and back off if need be. The call of course is yours.

Pointer Nineteen – Lure Him In

It’s very important for you to flirt a little when you are looking to grab his attention. If you want to bring him in, you need to be flirty and let the cards lay as they will.

Pointer Twenty – Make Him Work

If a man really wants you, he is going to deal with you missing a date or being late. This just shows him that he isn’t your world and that propels a man to want and do more.

Pointer Twenty One – Be Sure He Knows You Are Priority

Online Poker Getting Harder Hard

When you show this man he isn’t your world, you are triggering him to want you that much more.

Naturally, humans want what they don’t have, right?

Play this card loud and clear in his face and you will get exactly what you want fast.

Final Words

When you are playing hard to get, you need to take all factors into consideration. The more information you have in your brain, the better when you really want a man.

Figure out what tips and tricks and proven expert strategies work for you, and take action with them.

Online Poker Getting Harder Jacked

With a little trial and error, you will become expert in know time and playing hard to get via text will be easy peasy for you.

Best of Luck!